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Isatis Sponge Iron Company, located 40 kilometers south of Yazd city in Iran, on the road of Mehriz  Cement Company, spreading around 60 hectares, has a capacity of 450,000 tons of production of all kinds of alloy steel and non-alloy steel (billet), iron ingots and other types of bars and round bars. The project will start in the first phase with direct employment of 850 people, and it is hoped that by the launch of phase 2 will reach 1,750.


  • Company Address:
    IRAN, Yazd, Mehriz Siman Tejarat Road
  • Company Tel : +98-35-3161
  • e-Mail: info@isatissponge.ir
  • Tehran Office Address:
    Tehran, Resalat Highway, Bani Hashem Street, Nasibi Street, Almas Building
  • Tel : +98-21-75273

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